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For more information about the sites where we take measurements, click a location on the map.
Infiltration controlled by the ditchwater level is measured at the Lange Weide measurement site. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken using automatic chambers and eddy covariance. Soil subsidence measurements are taken too.
In Aldeboarn, underwater drainage measurements are taken. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken in various ways: manually, using automatic chambers, eddy covariance, and remotely. Soil subsidence measurements are taken with the help of extensometers.
Click here for an interview with cattle farmer and landowner Marten Dijkstra >>
At the measuring site close to the Hoogwaterboerderij in Zegveld, high groundwater levels are measured with the help of pressure drains. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken using automatic chambers. Soil subsidence measurements are taken too, using an extensometer.
Click here to read more about the Hoogwaterboerderij >>
In the Weerribben-Wieden, measurements are taken from the marshland environment. In the Wieden, greenhouse gases are measured across a large surface on the Duinigermeer. In the Weerribben-Wieden, CO2 and methane fluxes are measured and local measurements are taken in the peat soil and vegetation to enable a better understanding of the fluxes measured. The fact sheet for this site is in development.
In Rouveen, underwater drainage measurements are taken. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken using automatic chambers and remotely. At this measurement site, in addition to measuring greenhouse gas emissions, soil subsidence is intensively measured using settlement plates, spirit levels, extensometers, LIDAR and InSAR.
At KTC Zegveld, measurements are taken from areas of underwater drainage, pressure drainage, water level reduction and bulrush. At this measurement site, in addition to measuring greenhouse gas emissions, subsidence is measured intensively using extensometers, LIDAR and InSAR.
Pressure drainage is measured in Assendelft. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken using automatic chambers. Soil subsidence is also measured using extensometers.
Click here to read more about this location >>
Click here to see an interview with cattle farmer and landowner Elmer Kramer >>
Underwater drainage is measured at the Vlist measurement site. Greenhouse gas measurements are taken using automatic chambers. Soil subsidence is also measured.
At the measuring site in Ankeveen, researchers investigate the effect of wet crops of bulrush on greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas measurements are carried out on two scales: on a small scale using manual chamber measurements, and on a larger scale with eddy covariance on land.
Exploratory measurements of peat moss are taken in Ilperveld. The fact sheet for this site is in development.
Within the NOBV, greenhouse gas fluxes are also measured over a large area with the help of an aeroplane. These aircraft measurements are taken in various regions.
Within the NOBV, greenhouse gas fluxes are also measured over a large area with the help of an aeroplane. These aircraft measurements are taken in various regions.
Within the NOBV, greenhouse gas fluxes are also measured over a large area with the help of an aeroplane. These aircraft measurements are taken in various regions.
In addition to the NOBV's ongoing measurement sites, intensive CO2 measurements are taken in Friesland using mobile equipment.
In Gouderak wordt verkennend gemeten aan cranberryteelt. De factsheet van deze locatie is in ontwikkeling.
In Demmerik wordt gemeten aan ongeregeld hoge grondwaterstanden. De factsheet van deze locatie is in ontwikkeling.