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The NOBV is made possible by the Ministry of
Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and STOWA,
and is implemented by a consortium of various
universities and knowledge centres, with the
co-operation of various stakeholders.
The research consortium comprises:
The NOBV is made possible by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. STOWA acts as delegated project contractor. Other contributors to the programme are:
The Scientific Advisory Committee consists of the following members:
Ir. Gert Jan van den Born, PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving. Field of expertise: Soil scientist, strategic analysis, outlooks, studies and evaluations, in relation to policy relevance.
Prof. Chris Evans, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Field of expertise: GHG inventory, emissions mitigation, financial mechanisms, monitoring and reporting of agricultural peatlands.
PD DR. Jens Leifeld, Agroscope Zurich. Field of expertise: Research on climate and agriculture including mitigation measures for organic soils.
Dr. Bärbel Tiemeyer, Thünen-Institut of Climate Smart Agriculture. Field of expertise: Research on peatland GHG emissions and hydrology with focus on mitigation measures, involved in the German Peatland monitoring program.
Prof. dr. ir. Guus Velders, RIVM & University of Utrecht. Field of expertise: Focus on methane, nitrogen deposition and modelling policy measures, national emissions.
There are many others who contribute to the NOBV by making sites available or co-operating with ongoing research, and the NOBV also extends its grateful thanks to all landowners.