For peatlands, the Climate Agreement has set down a reduction in annual emissions by 1.0 Mton in 2030. What effects do the various measures to fight subsidence have on greenhouse gas emissions? When it comes to the measures that have been or are being developed to reduce emissions, how do they work? And what role do aspects such as soil life and water quality play in peat decomposition?
In order to answer these questions, the Netherlands Research Programme on Greenhouse gas dynamics in Peatlands and organic soils (NOBV) has been conducting research at various locations since 2019, examining a range of measures and situations. Greenhouse gas fluxes (of CO2, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and methane) are measured at all locations. Soil chemistry and soil physics are researched too, and soil subsidence is measured. The research is conducted by a consortium of various universities and knowledge centres, with a subsidy from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and directed by STOWA.
April 3: Webinar Measuring Soil Motion With InSAR and LiDAR
April 3, 2023, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m
Online (Teams)