Report on SOMERS 1.0

To determine whether the reduction target of 1 Mton from peat meadows as laid down in the Climate Agreement will actually be achieved in the long term, the national CO2 emission reduction in the peat meadow area must be recorded annually. The registration system SOMERS (Subsurface Organic Matter Emission Registration System) has been developed for this purpose. Calculation rules have been determined with SOMERS that can serve as indicative support in determining the effects of proposed measures on greenhouse gas emissions in the peat meadow area. The report on SOMERS 1.0 was delivered in December 2022. The report serves as a background document for the calculation rules. The monitoring philosophy and line of reasoning that led to the creation of SOMERS are also described. Finally, the report contains two technical appendices in which SOMERS’ underlying calculation models are explained. The report and appendices can be found here.